»How To Change Loading Bar Color
The Default Color Is RED (The Hex Value Is ACI614). To Change It, Get The Hex Value Of Another Color You Want To Use, Then Open Your Class Editor, Locate The Extracted Files And Open f.class Then Press 0, The Page Will Be Divided Into Two. Press 7, In The HexBox Enter 3575, Look At The Left Side Of The Screen Then Press 6 Once And You Will See AC1614 In Hex. To Change, Scroll To AC, Press 5 Three Times Then Choose HEX. Clear That AC And Replace It With The First Two Letters Of The New Hex, Repeat The Procedure To Change The Hex Value Then Save.»How To Change The Welcome Page
Open Your Class Editor, Locate The Extracted Files And Open v File, Scroll Down With Key 8 You Will See http://www.operamini.com/firsttime/4.2/, Clear The Link Starting From www To End Then Enter Your Link (Your Link Must Be 32 Characters But If Your Link Is'nt Up To 32 Characters, Add Spaces At The Back Of The Link To Make It 32).»How To Change The User Agent (Browser Details)
For Opera 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 Mod, Open Advance Translator And Locate The f.class. For Opera 4.2 Handler, Open Advance Translator And Locate HandlerUI.class. Change The Detail To What You Like And Save.»How To Change The Splash Screen Of Opera Mini 4.2 Handler
A picture in .png format is required, If you don't have .png picture, may be it's in .jpg, jpeg or gif That you have, use
Propaint Mobile Or
Image Converter to open the picture and save it as .png. It's advisable to use picture with smaller size between 15kb to 40kb and the resolution of the picture must not exceed 128x160. Note: Using A BlueFTP or Moby Explorer to rename your picture can't work if you don't have picture in .png format, use
Propaint Mobile Or
Image Converter to convert to .png as I stated it above. Extract all the content inside the opera.zip into an empty folder with BlueFTP also copy the picture you want to use into that extracted files folder and note that you should delete the picture before compressing. Now open your Class Editor, locate and open your png picture, press the * key of your phone, you will see a red bar behind [] PNG, press 8 to scroll down until you highlight all, press 5 then press 4, choose copy then go back without exiting the Class Editor. Open the "v" file of the opera you extracted, press 9, in the text box that appears, enter PNG select option then press Ok. Press 6, that will take you to the first png in the page, press # to go to the second png. Press 4 once to move back to this symbol [] behind PNG, press 8 to scroll down until you reach END B, [] stop there before ? Symbol. Press 5 then press 4, choose Insert, press the upper left key and save. You must know the bytes of your picture. To know it when you're highlighting the picture you want to use as your new splash, look at the bottom you will see the size before = in the right hand corner eg: 1262 =. Write it down because you need it, now open your
Calc4m and enter the size (bytes) of your picture, press the down key two times, then press and hold # button, write down the result that it shows. Now open your Hex Editor for handler, enter the result that you got from Calc4m then press execute, it will list out some hex values, write down those hex values that are not bold, they will be 14 in total. Open your Class Editor then open the v file, press 0 and the page will be divided into two, press 7, clear what you see and enter 27, press ok then press 6 and 4 and you will see something like this:
2CDC 0000 2CF8 0000 2DBF 0000 2EA1
0000 2FC1 0000 30D7 0000 321B 0000
3365 0000 33D4 0000 3444 0000 34FA
0000 35B9 0000 3684 0000 384B 0000