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* Reignzlord * JuMaSo Am cool... The wapka admin of that site blocked users from posting links/spam words (words considered as spam apart from links). To disable ur wapka forum users from posting links to ur wapka forum, follow the below steps!!
Step [1] - login to ur wapka site via and select ur desired site.
Step [2] - click on 'Global Settings' in ur wapka admin mode >> and scroll to 'Forum' and click.
Step [3] - Scroll and check for 'Enable Spam BlackList', tick and save.
Step [4] - After saving, on that same page, (Enable Spam BlackList) click on 'Set', this wl allw u set the spam words and error msg to display. On the new page, there are three boxes there. The first box is for spam words, the second box is for spam message, that is the message ur users will get when they attempt to spam while the third box is for spam words that could be replaced with another word e.g 'boi' u can set 'boy' to replace 'boi' when ur users input 'boi'.
Now, the first box, input 'http://, www., url' etc (without quotes). U must seperate them wif commas u can also add other words. There is no way ur wapka forum users would form a link widout 'http://, www., or url' therefor the first box will block the links.
The second box wl display an error msg wen they attempt to spam. In the second box, input an error msg when ur wapka forum users attempt to spam e.g 'Don't Spam, Be Carefull!' (without quotes). In the third box, leave it empty except u wanto replace words and save.
U are done!!
2017-02-17 19:49 (edited 2017-02-17 20:02 by Reignzlord ) · (0)

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